Wednesday, December 17, 2008

XYY Libertarian Distilled

My old blog, XYY Libertarian was good fun. However, its name was confusing, and I had such a history of long-form posts there that I felt I needed to start a new one to really shift the tone. I'll still do an occasional long-form post to keep both my fans happy, but most posts from now on will be shorter, and focused on the group that really drives me nuts: Health Nazis.

However, I offer these for your consumption:

Free Trade Cures Poverty: Unless You're a Democrat
Unions and their Democrat allies are a major cause of Thrid World poverty.

The Political Spectrum: Line or Circle
Democrats = Nazis, hold the Jew hatred.

Islamofascism and Isolationism
Why pacifists (and Libertarians) are fools.

The Libertarian's Chance
Stop running pacifists, and the Libertarians might become contenders.

What will Voting for a Thrid Party Accomplish?

Take a look at Minnesota, and tell me I was wrong.

Two Questions to Ask Yourself Before Voting:
Purity is nice, but is it everything?

Who Votes for the Democrats and what Impact Does It Have on Republican Strategy?
Why moving to the middle will fail every time.

Who amongst us has never wanted to fling poo at his enemies?
How demcrats incentivize acting like monkeys.

Why libertarian?
Quite possibly the best thing I have ever published.

Hope you enjoy a few of them! I left out my posts urging people to vote for Hillary if McCain won, because they became irrelevant the moment Obama was nominated. At that point, it became McCain vs. Bill Ayers, and even I don't hate McCain that much.